Thursday, August 23, 2012

Keeping Quiet, Paying Attention

March 2012 Pasture!

I'm writing this entry on Sunday, August 12th of what has been a bittersweet fun wonderful but challenging summer.  I went home twice to see my dad and didn't necessarily bring my best heart to that task.  And I've dealt with pets who are sick or old or injured all summer.  I'm just sort of tired.  But I've learned so much.  I've learned that it's really important to be vigilant, diligent, and caring.  It's important to be scared and worried, but still press forward.  I've learned that sometimes the answers to prayers may be no, but that if you work at your best, you can at least bring comfort and relief or some margin of betterment, if not perfection.  I'm learning the importance of keeping quiet and making myself smaller.