Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Violet and Her Teachers

I'm writing this entry on Thursday, August 2nd, but this photo and video are from March...Spring Break for Emily.  Violet's been very blessed this year.  She's had lots of people love on her and treat her well, and she's had Emily and Kelsey help her develop her skills.  Emily helped her jump 3' for the first time.  And just recently, I put Vi into training with Kelsey.  It's a funny story.  She asked what I might like -- and I told her help her be soft and help her develop her lead changes.  So, Kelsey jumps on and within 15 minutes, Violet is round and soft and supple and she just bangs out the lead changes.  She hasn't missed giving one, since Kelsey first asked.  So, apparently, Miss Thing has just been waiting to be asked properly!  We did have one lesson, though, recently, where Violet though Kelsey was rude, so she'd give the lead change, but she'd cow kick too, just for effect!  I do love my red girl!