Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Renny Jumps Sweetly!

During our last lesson with Kelsey, I just felt relaxed and happy.  Even when Renny threw a little heat my way because I got too quick about my leg aids and got too heavy with my potato butt, I just thought it was funny and sweet and fixable and part of the whole process.  It was a great feeling.  So, Kelsey said I should jump and she'd set up a figure 8.  And so, I just started it -- I set him to the first jump and he just took it sweetly -- no rushing, no fastness, no nothing but kindness.  And he got the correct lead.  And then we headed back and it happened again.  Correct lead, no rushing, total relaxation about the job on both our parts.  It was a little slice of heaven!  Badabing!