Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Getting Back on Track

I don't know if this ever happens to you, but sometimes while you're planning, working, setting goals, training, riding, and loving your herd, you get lost and a bit off track and something will give you a big nudge.  I had that with the classical dressage clinic.  I had a chance to rethink my goals and priorities and my emotional connections to my companion animals.  I've decided that I'm going to keep enjoying Violet for all the wonderful things she brings me and her enthusiasm about every single task put before her.  And I've decided that Renny is going to be for me -- my own special wonderful pony who was a gift from Hailee.  He doesn't have to be a Pony Finals pony.  He doesn't have to be "kid ready."  He just has to be my darling.  These were good happy decisions over the past week or so!