Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Massages and Caring for Equine Athletes

I had a chiropractic/massage appointment for Violet in June, and the vet/masseuse said that Violet was carrying stress in her neck by her shoulder, along her cheeks, and in her tight rear end, especially her left hind.  So, I've been trying to be even more diligent than usual about massage, accupressure, and stretching exercises.  Violet eats it up with a spoon.  As soon as I start the namaste ritual to ask permission to touch her, she begins to visibly relax and get loopy.  She just stands ground tied in the cross ties and lets me massage her.  She'll roll her head, chew, lick her lips, lift her lip and make faces.  She just loves to be fussed over and loved.  She makes me so happy with her happiness!