Sunday, July 22, 2012

Chillaxin' After the Show!

So, Renny's first show this year was a little stressful for a number of reasons.  But we learned that even when he's under the weather and has many different riders, he will always bring his best heart to his work.  I'll never be able to describe how grateful I was to have him home before 6pm that Saturday after the show and to fuss over him in his pristine wonderful stall.  And I'll never be able to convey the great waves of relief when I visited him the next morning and saw that his stall had a large piddle spot and his poo was back to normal.  I was so happy to bring him out to his pasture to relax with his pals.  Here you see him, the day after he won second place out of 22 horses.  He's happy and relaxed.  And he's got his pretty little show mane.  And he's such a loving soul that he even takes time out from eating and hanging with his pals to come to the fence line and say hello to his Grama.  He is a good sport!  That day I had a million things to do, but I was so relieved after seeing this calm happy little healthy face that I just went home, put on some girly lounging clothes, and napped.  It was delicious!