Thursday, July 5, 2012

Renny's Natural Lead Changes

Renny has always been handy with lead changes.  I'm writing this entry on Sunday, June 17th and Kelsey has been working with Renny for a little over a month in his second year of formal training with her.  She's been able to get lead changes out of him and on one especially fun day, I got to team ride with her -- she on Renny and me on Violet and we were just jumping the same jumps together, so that I could have a fun chance to relax and feel soft and help my girl move slower through her lines.  It was just the coolest evening.  I had a blast.  I had set up the course so that there were verticals on the diagonals and outside lines.  It was going to be his first time on verticals with Kelsey.  And she was thrilled with him.  He kept a nice soft quiet pace through everything.  He permitted her to tweak the speed or distances to fences.  And he consistently truly gave flying lead changes in each direction.  And then he went through this one outside line in perfect form.  Bounced quietly into the first and cantered sweet smooth quiet evenly step by step all the way to the second and bounced over that one as sweet as you please on the correct lead!  Happy pony!  Happy trainer!  And Violet and I had fun too.  We were getting nice quiet paces and she was offering up lead changes herself.  In fact, she consistently offered up lead changes on the diagonal.  We did rollbacks twice and I was proud to say that even as we worked on polishing up the rollback, she gave a relaxed natural smooth lead change after each effort.  It was probably one of my finest days of riding ever - just a relaxed fun time working on tasks with friends!