Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Renny's Back and Other Disappointments

Here I am before my dressage clinic, getting my little pony together.  He doesn't look enthused, but he was getting ready to work hard!  Anyway, the clinic was mostly fun, but it started out with a bitter hurtful disappointment.  I started Renny under saddle at 26 months.  That was way earlier than I wanted to start him by a full year, but I listened to the advice of others and I moved forward.  At the clinic, Mr. Faeber said that Renny showed the signs of a weak back associated with a too early start.  I asked if maybe he was just a little butt high because of a growing spurt and he said firmly no.  I've hurt my guy.  I asked him several separate times whether I could help Renny recover from this bad start.  And he said he felt confident about it through the back-strengthening routines.  So, that disappointment led me to decide that Renny won't go to any more shows this year nor be in any lessons with anyone other than Kelsey and me until he's moved forward from this setback.  I love my sensible adorable creature.  And I'm so proud that he performed beautifully at the clinic -- and always.  He's a decent fellow who deserves the best.  I'm sorry about what happened at his start, but I am trying to do my best by him.