Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My Soft Speedy Athlete

So, this photo and video are taken in early March.  You can see my two red sweeties, relaxing on a Sunday.  Violet was about to get schooled by Emily, so she's just chilling until that time.  Anyway, it's been 4 months since I've blogged, so there's lots to write about Violet, but it's just sort of hard for me to remember it all!  We've worked at being more obedient by the gates, jumping bigger, jumping quiet and soft, working on dressage.  We've been getting help from Stacey, Emily, and Kelsey.  And we're now confronting a problem of my making.  I've sort of taught Violet to surge and dash through lines.  One day while we were jumping early in the Spring in the outdoor arena, she was just galloping through the outside lines and boldly HUGELY jumping the overs exuberantly.  So, we're taking it back to basic principles.  We're learning how not to be rushed.  How to wait.  How to have an even pace.  How not to surge.  How to be sweet and quiet.  And it's beginning to work.  I am working hard to develop a soft feel in my hands rather than a snatching quick yank.  And through all of this endeavor, Violet is still my trusting team member!  This past week while I had a chiropractor out to get her a massage, Beth came up to her and petted her and said that Violet loved me.  I think that must be true.  She certainly gives me more care and affection and kindness and good heart than I deserve!