Friday, July 27, 2012

Dressage Clinics and Persevering

Here are photos from the dressage clinic.  I am proud to be riding Violet and Kelsey is showing off my darling Renny.  But the weekend was sort of rough overall.  The instructor said Renny had a weak back because of my early start with him.  I had to hear someone talk about my herd.  I told a family that Renny wasn't going to show anymore this year.  It was all pretty emotional.  And even though the instructor said that I could make Renny strong again, I was feeling bad.

And so over the next few days, I contacted people I trusted.  I contacted Renny's trainer, Melinda.  I looked at photos of Renny's mom and dad and half-siblings.  I contacted my veterinarian.  And I felt better.  My vet said that I did not start him too early nor did I cause structural damage.  He said the instructor's claims had no validity.  Melinda said that she had a pony whose croup was 2 inches higher than the withers who finished first at the Pony Finals and who sold for a ton of money.  They both said it's simply conformation.  And Renny comes from butt high on both sides.  So, I felt better.  I believe in my heart that I have a pony who is sound and strong of body and mind.  And I also decided that he's mine.  He doesn't need to be improved for anyone other than me.  He's my pony.  He's not going to be an A-circuit jumping pony in the near future.  He's not going to local shows with children.  He's not going to be part of a lesson program for anyone but me.  And I feel good about that.