Saturday, July 28, 2012

Classical Dressage and Stuck with Riding

Here are more photos and video from the classical dressage clinic hosted at St. George -- the clinic that really got me thinking about my herd and life.  I was pretty upset the Monday after the clinic -- I'd called Melinda, emailed my vet, cancelled Renny's show plans.  I was waiting to hear from my vet and Melinda and was in a major funk.  I was upset.  I didn't know why my life was wrapped up in horses.  I was sick of how horrible horse people can be.  And then as I was feeling that funky, I walked into my closet and saw my riding gear.  And I remembered that I love horses, love riding, love my herd...for better or worse.  And the worse of worrying about Renny's back began to give way to the better of knowing in my heart that he's happy, healthy, strong, and sweet!  All good!  I can't help it, but I love riding and being with my herd more and more.