Saturday, April 7, 2007

Breaking News! Hailee is inseminated for first time!

Yesterday, on Good Friday, Hailee was inseminated for the first time with a donation from Blue Who. On Thursday, Blue Who's owner worked to prepare the donation to be special fed-exed to Kentucky from Florida and it arrived Friday morning. Hailee was inseminated and released from her holding area back into her larger herd. I bet she was thrilled. Now, we'll hope for the best and wait two weeks before giving her an ultrasound. I hope she becomes pregnant. We'll see. In other news, Violet seems to be going bald and losing hair in her tail! I'm told that this is pretty normal for a thoroughbred after winter, but it's upsetting to me to see her tail lose it's burgunday hairs and for her legs to be losing hair. I have an appointment with her vet for this Wednesday and Barbie is bringing some special skin medication up from Kentucky.