Saturday, April 14, 2007

Jackass, Arcangelo, and Moibeal

Hailee and Violet also have three cat siblings in Jacques Mamou Lagniappe (Jackie or Jackass), Moibeal Edana Seiseagh, and Arcangelo Sanyama Lilidh. Jackie, Arcy, and Moibeal are all dear to me. Jackie is also a New Orleans street cat adopted as a kitten from the Japonica Street animal shelter. He pulled a bait and switch. He acted all sweet, scared, and demure and then before I even got him home, he started bossing me around in the car. Nothing has changed! He rules our home. Arcangelo is a siamese adopted from San Diego, California, invited to join our home after Teacake Whim Fuselage passed away a few years ago. He is Jackie's boyfriend. And little Moibeal is from the Wood County Humane Society. She is a lovely little grey tabby girl who tolerates her brothers' bossiness.