Monday, April 30, 2007

Pony Power at the Rolex!!!

History was made today at the Kentucky Rolex!! A PONY took third place!! He kept climbing up the ranks with great performances. He had a solid 15th place after dressage, climbed to 10th with a nearly perfect cross-country ride. The Rolex reporting said of his eventing that Teddy "clearly ready, met every fence dead-on." Of her cross-country ride, Karen O'Connor said, "It was a great learning experience. I'm still drunk on 'pony power.'" And THEN at stadium jumping, he jumped a clear round under time. He earned third!!! And, in fact, the first and second horse jumped clear rounds, but they had time faults, so Teddy's stadium round was better than theirs!!! I love pony power!!! The winning Rolex team was Clayton Fredericks on Ben Along Time and second place went to Phillip Dutton and Connaught. But our little Theodore O'Connor made a little teeny place in history with his enormous courageous heart. I hope Hailee gets to meet him some day!