Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hope and the KGC

Here is Hope, formally known as Pleasure Dynamics, taking her turn in the sale ring. I have known this mare for quite awhile now. She was purchased in foal at Congress by Meghan and had beautiful little Faith. She then had Scooter, an adorable Paint foal and then another beautiful red filly out of the Red Hot Krymsun clan. She's now in foal again in this photo. I really love her because I believe she helped train Hailee how to be a good mother. Hailee knew her when she was a young girl and used to share the pasture as a 2 year-old with her first baby, Faith. In fact, Faith and Hailee were as thick as thieves and dearest of friends. They used to stand for long periods of time, giving each other swirly grooming kisses along each other's backs.