Thursday, August 7, 2008

Laurel Wreath Farm in High Gear!

Okay, so it's early August and when I go into my garden, I don't know what to expect! So, today I saw just wonderful basil, a great fat zucchini, many eggplants, fabulous cauliflowers, melons, cabbages, peppers, and lots and lots and lots of cucumbers. So, here's a pile of vegetables, waiting to be processed, waiting to be canned, waiting to be blanched and frozen!
I brought some over to my neighbor today and she gave me the nicest compliment. She said that she'd been talking to a gentleman about me and she told him that she could just tell that I was a farmer, that I'd had a farm in my background because of the way I laid out and tended my garden. Now, isn't that just the BOMB of a compliment!? Rock on, Little Farmer Girl! Rock on, Little Miss Carbon-Footprint Reducer! Rock on, Little Girl Organic! Rock on and Namaste!