Coy and I chuckle because Renny is just doing amazingly well and likes to learn and wants to have a challenge tossed at him every day. So, for example, today he was absolutely cheerful about longing up and down the arena and then happy to longe over cavaletti. All good! And Coy said that he's amazed because Renny got so quiet so fast -- that he expected it to take a little longer because it was a public barn and Renny gets handled a lot. My pony is a quiet hardworking guy -- kind of like John Wayne in The Quiet Man. Anyway, Coy also says that Renny absolutely understands that Coy is alpha and that he's given up that fight -- mostly. The one place where you still see the little teensy shadow of testing like a little 2 year-old manly colt should do is at the longing -- longing to the left, he likes to test whether he really has to canter or not. And today was a hoot because when Coy said, yes, you have to, Renny popped upwards and gave the softest prettiest lightest little canter on the line. What a good naughty boy!!