Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Beautiful Girls in October!

These photos were taken in mid-October of Violet, Hailee, and Sedona. They are grazing in the cool Fall sun, pulling up tufts of the last summer grass. I love my mares. I feel blessed to have these mares. I am writing this entry in the week before the election. Our economy is in trouble, we're still at war, and things are very uncertain. So, I pray that I am able to fulfill the social contract with these girls and keep them as a part of my family. Looking at them in this photo makes me think of their sister, Snowflakes Princess. If you could imagine a heaven, I could imagine my three mares and my little fella, running around and being adorable. And I could imagine my home critters, including Tigi and Teacake, around my fire, as we peek out our window to the pasture with my lovely equines! But I'm being over the top! I'm a bit tired right now because it's my first day back at work after a week's vacation! I missed my pets, so feel pretty mushy about them just now! Namaste!