Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

I had a lovely holiday season. I baked cookies, shopped for presents, sent my Christmas newsletter, visited friends and family, hugged and chatted with my nieces, cooked with my mother, walked and talked with my sister. And then I came home tired. I spent several days cleaning my home, balancing my checkbook, paying bills, starting paper whites, putting up calenders for 2009. And here I am on New Year's Day -- quiet, happy, domestic. I have a wonderful family of creatures. I have truly terrific friends. I am excited about meeting my nephew. So, here is a little photo taken of my darling Renny as he is bothering his girlfriend, Sedona, on New Year's Eve! Namaste to you all! Much health, wealth, and happiness to you all in the New Year. May your joys be bountiful, your adventures life-enhancing, and your sorrows cut by the care of friends and family! Love to you!