Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Morning Kisses and Grazing!

Here's a September 23rd photo of the babies and an October 6th video of the girls in the far pasture. On that October 6th, yesterday, I just sat on the bridge wall and watched these beautiful girls in the Fall dusk. It was cool and the setting sun was heading down into the spent corn field. The girls coats were darker and thicker in preparation for winter and they were just so relaxed and large and in charge of their world. Annie kept chasing everyone around, and Hailee and Violet would flash hooves every once in awhile. Sedona was the only one who tried to keep the peace, sweet young girl that she is!

Anyway, as I write this entry, I'm thinking about Derek who was such an accomplished skilled rider and who was so such enjoyable early morning company. I liked sharing horse stories with him and hearing about his views. I hope he is doing well in his last few months of school!