Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sabbatical Musings: Day 4, Week 3!

I am in my third week of my sabbatical and moving forward on two papers. I met with a lovely student yesterday and am about to meet with a student about a project today and a faculty and student colleague about a paper tomorrow. Next week, our department begins a job search for a new faculty colleague in demography and family. So, I am busy, but feeling a bit depressed today. Today I am indulging in the useless emotions of feeling like I am not accomplishing anything because I spread myself so thin. But, of course, the truth is that I could do better, but I definitely could be doing worse as well. I am definitely well on track on finishing the revisions of this one paper and preparing the list of last tasks for the second paper. I am going to learn something this evening about emergency horse care management at a Veterinarian clinic workshop. And I am trying to retool by reading more deeply and broadly in the scientific literature. Along with these goals, yesterday, I planned my money and note that though I live a tight financial life, my money does indeed work hard. I pay board on three horses, I pay my very costly professional dues, I care for 8 animals, I save toward my nieces' college educations. My money works hard. So, I am trying not to think of myself as a bad person, but am struggling with that wicked old winter depression that I sometimes get. I think I'll spend a little sunlit time in a snowy pasture with Violet this afternoon and see if that works. Part of the problem is that I think that I have not been careful with my little Renny. His nose has a bump on it and I am certain that I caused it by having a poor-fitting halter. But at least I've ordered a new halter immediately today. I may cause problems, but I try to be vigilant and I try to the best of my ability to stop them once I discover them. Bless my little fella and please hold him close!