Today is New Year's Eve. Tomorrow will be a new decade, 2010! So, I woke up and went to the stable to visit the herd. They were all happy and well and ready to enjoy a new year. I felt very reflective because this year is Renny's second new year and I remember last year very clearly when he was a little guy running around the arena with Sedona, Teawa, B and Lily. He was a happy naughty little fellow. And now this year, he has his herd of boys. This morning the girls both wanted to come into the barn with me for some love and treats. I put them in the indoor arena and they rolled luxuriously in the dark dirt and then bucked, snorted, and ran around like little girlish nut jobs! I love those girls so. I put aloe on Violet's hooves, including the coronet. She still has some heat in the right front hoof, but we are moving in the right direction. My farrier really did a poor job on all three of my horses' frogs this time, so I am going to have to be more direct in my requests. What else? Well, I was feeling a little melancholy at the barn this morning because I keep remembering all of my time with Renny. I remember singing to him before he was born, worrying after him and his mother, seeing his birth, showing him off to the vet on his first day of life, playing soccer with him, and playing loving loving loving him. And now he is such a good sweet intelligent boy who is willing to work! He has such a good work ethic. So, this year I have to focus on training him well, caring for him, figuring out supplements to make him shiny and beautiful and selling him at the pony auction in August. I just can't imagine having him leave me this coming year. But the way I look at it, the soft part of my heart which loves loves loves him needs to rely on the harder part which wants his happiness and is willing to part with him to help him find a family with children to love on him. We'll see what happens in 2010. Much love to you all, much much love from me and the herd and all my other animal companions!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Violet's Carrots
So, this summer, I planted carrots
from seed, and let me tell you that was very satisfying. As soon as you picked them, they smelled and looked great. And my herd loved them. It was so fun to serve them up and use my little knife that I had bought from the flea market to make chomp-sized pieces. But the best part is that Violet was bonkers about the greens. She would get everyone's greens and just chew them with a look of greedy bliss on her face. I am definitely planning more carrots next year!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Violet So Beautiful
And this gives me time to work with Renny. And, my goodness, he has been a great boy the past few days! He is giving to pressure on his hocks, puts up with ropes around his body, trots off in hand beside me, goes over ground poles and cavaletti, stops politely, let's me use clippers on his muzzle and bridle path. He's just the most sweet smart sensible boy who is trying very hard to learn his tasks. Plus what's funny and cute is that twice now, while he's been on his line, he's laid in the dirt and had a luxurious happy pony roll while he's been with Grandma. And he's adorable when we free lunge him in the arena. He jets around like a rock star with his tail high and streaming and his mane flowing and his head high! And I am busily shopping for his first bit, bridle and girth. I just love, love, love my herd of beauties. They are sweet, intelligent, and kind!
Renny Tests His Limits

Okayt , so I am writing this on August 30th and Renny had a very busy week. Barbie called to tell me that he had been exceptionally naughty and jerked away from her and ran over her to get to the barn. He knew he was in trouble, so he stopped to eat
grass right outside the barn. For his naughtiness, he got spanked and then tied up for half an hour. I was upset to get that news. Then on Saturday, I had him and his mom out in the indoor ring while I was driving Violet. When we came back from our breezy, cool beautiful drive, Renny was in the aisleway, chomping hay and trying to look casual. He had figured out how to open the gate and his mom was right behind him, wondering whether she could test her luck. It was an excitingmoment with Renny clearly free, Violet harnessed to her deluxe cart, and Hailee wondering! So, anyway, I've decided to officially put him in training starting November 1st when he is 1 1/2 years old. I think he is wonderful. He is incredibly well-behaved and talented for his age 15 months. I know he's going to be a smart, quick study!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Shady Okra
Monday, December 28, 2009
Happy Violet and Carissa
Okay, so this is a photo which was taken on the December 20th Christmas party. This photo made me happy because Violet was relaxed and happy to be with Carissa. And she has been Carissa's buddy ever since. She got to participate in a slumber party with all the wild girls of St. George and was pampered and groomed and photoed and loved. And then on the 26th, I had my farrier come and he cut her too short. So, my poor tender Violet has spent two days now tip toeing around on her hot front hooves. I am giving her bute and hoping for the best. She is too tender to ride right now. I am grateful to be at St. George because tonight I was talking to a pack of four girls and we were playing with my herd and I turned around and Meghan and Carissa had Violet's head in their arms and Vi's eyes were closed in bliss as they stroked her cheeks. Violet loves St. George. And then, because it was my birthday, we chased Renny around the arena and he jetted around like the handsome handsome boy he is with his tail streaming out high behind him as a strawberry blonde and his head high and nostrils flared! So, at the close of my birthday today, I feel a little torn -- I am so thrilled and happy with how cool St. George is and how lucky and happy my horses are -- and I am pretty upset and rattled that my beautiful Violet was cut short and aggressively on her frogs and hooves. I want her to be out of pain and to have her hoof grow back well. Beautiful beautiful loving gorgeaus funny goofy thoroughbred girl, my darling blessing!
My Girls Waiting to Open Presents!
Here are my girls, waiting to open their Christmas presents. They were so excited. Little Clara got a Dora the Explorer backpack "pack pack" and was so delighted to pack everything she owned into it. Do you see what Emma is sitting on? It's a pair of cuddle duds. One Christmas, she and I slept in the same room and she woke up and grabbed my cuddle duds and made them into her safety blanket. She wore that pair out, so her mom had to buy her a new pair. And when she gets tuckered out or overdone, she wraps them on her head and ties it with a bow under her chin -- kind of like Nora Charles with her headache ice pack! Cool girls! Totally cool Berg girls.
Zelia the Guard Dog
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Merry Christmas from My Little Man!
Here's my little Stephen, enjoying a relaxing holiday with his auntie, Grams and Gramps. I just got back from the stable where my herd is playing outdoors in the falling snow. Violet participated in a slumber party last night and was pampered and painted and groomed and had photos taken of her. The photos made me laugh because you could see my girl looking just silly with happiness at all the attention -- comfortable, relaxed and happy happy happy! And now I am at home watching the birds dance in the snow, getting some seeds -- I am seeing chickadees, cardinals, a woodpecker, and finches. And this morning when I went to feed Ellie and Reptilicus, I saw a hawk in their yard. Anyway, I love my human and animal families. Namaste.
Moulin Rouge
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas, Off to the Pageant!
I just arrived home today after a wonderful but whirlwind Christmas adventure at Elena's. Here's a photo of my nieces and nephew moments before we left for church. The services were a wonderful singing pageant and my Emma sang and danced beautifully. Today I came home and settled my animals and went to the stable to meet my farrier. Rick and I had a nice conversation and I chatted with many St. George friends, including C and K. C rode Violet and it was just wonderful to see Miss V happy and moving forward and light and joyful. C rode her "on the buckle" and you could just see my red girl's contentment. She even jumped some combinations and then got pampered and groomed by her two talented new friends. Violet is really loving her new life, I can just see it all over her! She is happy happy happy with her friends and life and job!!!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Breaking News! Renny, Coy and Christmas
A Very Merry St. George Christmas Party!
I am writing this entry on Tuesday, December 22nd, as I am slowly getting ready to head to Pittsburgh to spend the Christmas holiday with my family. On Sunday, my new stable had a Christmas party which was so fun. Beth and her family had wonderful yummy food, and all the adults and then all the children went for a ride! Carissa rode my Violet and even took her over a jump. I was so proud because they were a terrific team together! And I just felt happy. I arrived early and my horses were outdoors in the snow and sunlight with friends. I am really grateful to be at St. George. I really like the people. I really like the lessons. I really like the safety and security of the facility. And I really like how happy and healthy my horses are at St. George.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Breaking News! Ren's Second Winter!
I am writing this entry on Sunday, December 20th, as I am sitting by a poinsettia and lit candles, enjoying a beautiful lazy day with my creatures and getting excite
Then I went to the stable and was greeted by Renny out in his pasture, enjoying the first snow of the season with his friends. I chatted with him for awhile and then went into the stable where Violet was waiting cheerfully in the crossties for me and a group of children ran up to me to tell me how funny Renny had been to lead outside. How he had tippy toed and pranced and dragged his nose through the snow. How happy and cute he was. And my heart danced with happiness. The stable was loud and cheerful with laughing people cleaning stalls and I lunged Violet. She worked hard. Then we had a lesson with Baker and Shari and Pan and Stazi. It was my second good happy ride at St. George. Violet was eager and wanted to trot with power and strength, but she was obedient and happy and light and working. We figure eighted over ground poles and we did lots of circling and worked deep into the corners and went right by the gates. She worked so hard that when we stopped we relaxed and she would just sigh with relaxation and work her lips happily!
After the lesson, I put her beautiful black and purple fleece on her and we walked around and watched another lesson for awhile with Baker. And then I fed my beautiful girl carrots and led her out to her snowy winter pasture. Hailee came running to the gate with a cheerful whinny.
I can't tell you how wonderful St. George is. I just think it's a special magical place. When I arrive, my horses are out in their pastures, safe and happy, and their stalls are immaculate. The people are so nice and talented and it's a joy to watch people at all levels learning to ride and practicing jumping and dressage. And they have equipment that you need -- ground poles, jumps, cavaletti -- so, it's easy to set up little challenges. And the arena footing is fantastic.
I can't tell you how nice it is to see my horses' happy faces. Violet is stronger and more athletic already, and Hailee is satisfied with her pasture time and friendship with Vi. And Renny is bright and joyful and eager for everything -- for time with his new pals, for pets from his fans, and for work with his grandma. We are lucky and grateful. And now today, I am waiting to go to a holiday party at St. George. We are lucky and grateful.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
My Perfect Scamp

Here's some photos of Renny and a video too, taken this past summer during his yearling months. So very handsome. I am writing this late in August while I am at home. My dad returned from the hospital, but still is sick. I am not feeling too well myself. But friends from Bowling Green are holding down the fort, and while I've been gone, Lexi has sent me texts and photos of my horses. And funny messages about Renny. Apparently, she had a hard time getting good photos of him because he kept trying to walk directly up for hugs and kisses. And another time, on a blazing 97 degree day, she tried to give him a bath, but he choose sweaty and dirty over cool and clean. My rotten adorable angelic creature. And my good friends who look out for me and like me. Namaste.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Breaking News! Violet and I have a Breakthrough Day!
So, the arena and activity at St. George sort of unnerved me, so I haven't been a very effective rider for Violet. And let me tell you, she's been calling me on it by being bossy pushy stiff and exciteable. Well, last night Stacey gave me a lesson and she and I both agreed that Violet has really benefited from her time at St. George. She's leaner and has more muscle mass and a stronger neck. Her daily exercise with turnout has her feeling energetic and good and she's plain old happier. So, she's turned herself into a thoroughbred athlete with more energy than I am used to. So, Stacey said I need to work her more. So, this morning I went to St. George and all the horses were out in the sun and the stalls were spotless, of course! So, I retrieved Violet and she and I did Parelli until she paid attention to me properly. I set up cavaletti and a ground pole by the door she enjoys shying at. And then we lunged and lunged in circles up and down the length of the arena. And she so enjoyed lunging over the little ground pole by the door. We lunged until she was glad to be done lunging! And then we rode. We rode and rode and trotted and jumped. She was happy to pop over the ground pole and she knew she had to go close to the wall and deep in the corners and she knew that she had to be sensible by all the doors. And she totally knew that she was great at ground poles and popping over cavaletti. She had a great time and I was laughing and praising her. I wore spurs because I just don't have the strength I should yet and didn't want to get stiff with fighting her. And what was a real hoot was when I gave her a truly gentle nudge with the spur when we were doing serpentines. Well, she got the most surprised expression on her face and swished her elegant tail and pricked her ears as if to say that she knew I meant business and she meant business too! We had a truly wonderful morning workout and then I gave her two carrots and returned her to her pasture happily where Hailee greeted her with a whinny!
Then I got Renny and he was a super sport too. He walked very calmly into the barn, cross-tied, and then walked all over the barn practicing stops and standing. And then we went into the arena. He was terrific over groundpoles and cavaletti. He lunged the best he has. He just knows. And he was respectful of my space. Then we took a little stroll over the grounds for him to check out the stadium stands and various other features. He took it all in stride nonchalantly. He is becoming a smart, sensible bombproof pony! I adore him.
Namaste from me and my herd. We are having the time of our life at St. George!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Breaking News! Ren loves Grams and St. George!
Okay, so here are two winter photos taken of my little Ren in his second week of living well at St. George. As you well know, I love this pony. On Monday night when I visited him, he was so cute. He was in his stall and had finished his hay and he and I had a wonderful lesson in the arena. I had gone to chat with some new friends and enjoy the potluck and watch a jumping lesson. Really good fun. And I went back to his stall and Ren was fighting to stay awake. He was all cuddly and cute and sleepy. He put his little face forward and asked for Grams to pet and stroke his beautiful muzzle and kiss his little kissing freckle. He was flat out adorable. I just love him so much.
Anyway, tomorrow Coy, a friend and I are going out to St. George in the morning to play around with Renny and learn a few more training tips for my teenage fella. He's very good about lunging, backing, being respectful of space, wearing his cavesson and surcingle, etc. But now I need a few more arrows in my arsenal so that I can bring him forward a little bit more. Here's something that's nice. I have decided that I am going to be Ren's official trainer and that everyone else can have a supporting role as training consultants!
What else? Well, I'm reading a great book called Riding between Worlds which discusses how horses can help us with our human development because of their keen emotional acuity and availability and their disconcerted unease with emotional incongruity. Really cool stuff. A friend this morning posted a personal haiku to facebook (Laura Guy) which runs thus: Sudden gust of wind/Moonless night, dim stars shine soft/on dry winter grass. I think it's beautiful. Plus the last little spark of news is that I spoke with my sister this week and she made me question my plans about selling Ren in the new year. So, I am at a moment of pause. I am embarking on the adventure of training my wonderful wonderful wonderful pony and I'm letting the new year sort itself out. Here's one last thought: This morning I was thinking about different games to play with Ren to spark his imagination and creativity and I remembered when he was first born how crazy happy he was with his beach ball. How he liked to jump on it and roll on it and hug it. And then when he was just a bit older how he loved to play soccer with it. He was crazy crazy crazy crazy talented at playing soccer with it -- just ripping around and popping it double-barreled with his back hooves while squealing. He could really send that ball launched! Love that pony! And pleased beyond description that he loves St. George. You should see him, in just two weeks, he has filled out with more muscle and elegance because of his regular long daily turnout. He's a handsome charmer!
Sunlit Okra
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Breaking News! Violet and I Drive at St. George!
Hi! I just got back from St. George where Violet and I had a wonderful morning. I arrived and as usual their stalls were spotless and my herd was out relaxing and grazing with pals. I retrieved Violet and groomed her and then lunged her in the arena. And then I got her cart and harnessed her. We had a tremendously fun drive in the arena. She was just trotting like a Queen and cantered beautifully. She kept taking the correct lead. The single time she took the incorrect lead, she switched over calmly and resumed her beautiful gathered pace. She's just a marvel. I felt so good being in my cart and enjoying my thoroughbred. The staff were there cleaning stalls and chatting and I just felt happy. I'm in such a nice wonderful stable which clearly makes my horses very happy! Plus Amijo called and said that they would take care of my home critters while I'm gone for Christmas. So, I had a very nice morning. And it was especially nice after our great relaxed drive. Violet stood perfectly still for unhitching and then stood perfectly agreeably still for unharnessing, grooming and reblanketing. She's a rock solid wonderful mare. And then she let me lead her quietly and happily out to her pasture where Hailee came running to the gate to greet her with whinnying joy. A nice nice morning. Namaste!
Cute Rumps!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Renny Shakes it Off!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
a Busy Saturday at St. George!
So, this Saturday I went to the stable for a morning lesson with Pan and Stazi. When I arrived, I had to laugh and laugh. As soon as I opened the stable door, I heard Violet's indignant stallion roars and I knew she was upset that Renny and Hailee had been taken to pasture and she was stuck indoors. But she cheered up when she saw me and we had an energetic lesson with Baker and Sheri. I could tell that she liked the new environment and challenges and liked roaming around with two new equine pals. She and I struggled together -- I'm sort of weak and don't have good aerobic conditioning, so I wasn't able to use my strength and relaxation to get her loose and giving. But we still had lots of fun and were just terrific over the cavaletti! Stacey is a good teacher! Then I visited Renny in his gelding herd and he came walking up with happy ears forward! When I brought Violet out to her pasture, Hailee ran like a school girl to the gate just calling and happy-eared. She really likes Violet and having her own personal buddy. Then I sat in the nice viewing area and chatted with ladies and young girls and watched the morning lessons. It was a wonderful wonderful way to pass a Saturday. I just love my new barn and feel very safe there. I feel like my horses are happy, healthy and safe!
Then this evening, carolers came and sang songs to Mrs. Pocket. That put me in such a happy cheerful holiday mood! Namaste.
Violet Behind Stage
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Weaning: A Guy's Got to Eat!
Okay, this photo was from September 2008, so it's quite a flashback. In this photo, you see my little frightened confused guy, wondering where his mama is and why he can't be with her, and learning for the first time that he can't trust grandma. And even in this confusion, he faces a basic fact -- a guy's got to eat! Bless his practical heart. I wish I could climb into this photo and kiss that kissing freckle!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Breaking News! A St. George Evaluation Lesson
Then I brought Violet in and groomed her. I met the barn farrier, Todd, and Violet and I did some long-lining work. We had a riding lesson with Stacey and I got to work on just getting my balance, stretching and relaxing while she lunged my mare. Our lesson was sort of stiff because Violet was excited about the new space and wanted to get out of work. And frankly, I was pretty weak in my body and didn't really know how to work all my parts independently! But Stacey was really nice and she suggested that I work in the Wednesday night and Saturday morning lessons. And she said that she would be happy to help me with sacking Renny out to his saddle, bridle, etc. after Christmas. I want to begin that work. He was soooo good about his blanket. I used the pressure and release system Coy taught me and he just relaxed into the task. But yesterday he was funny because the leg straps were hanging and he was annoyed and stomping around trying to get them to quit tickling him. So, he clearly needs a little sacking out time! Plus I spoke with Coy yesterday and he said that he would come out and help teach me some new ways to move Renny along. I am looking forward to those lessons!
Anyway, when I brought Violet back out to her pasture to rejoin her herd, Hailee was standing by the gate looking for her. She called out for her friend and they both just trotted off deep into their large pasture.
I love St. George. It was a brilliant idea to move.
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