Wednesday, April 2, 2008

16 Days!

Here are photos of my girls on Wednesday morning. Violet got worked over ground poles and was very light of foot and graceful. She really enjoys figuring out what I want and she's so happy when she does well! She's a real sport. And, as you can see in this photo, she also does yoga. I got her on the down stretch of a downward facing dog. She went even lower than in that photo. She's really quite the special girl!

And my Hailee is getting bigger, hanging lower, getting wider, udders getting more dense. But she seemed pretty calm and quiet today. She was grooomed. And then, just to be fickle and let us know she's uncomfortable, she kicked poor V in her shoulder and took off some hair. V is desperate for attention and feeling left out. And I thought I could shake her off and make her stand back as I walked H to her stall through the paddock.

That said, we had a good day. Clear skies, lots of sun, a coolness, but the promise of Spring! I went back this evening to spend a little more time with my girls. Violet had a lovely dust roll in the sun. Hailee hung her head over a gate and had a chat with Stephanie, Tony, and Breezy. I treated Vi's owie. And here's some news! I re-did the math. We're 16 days off before we meet Jr.! I was off by a day!