Wednesday, April 9, 2008

9 Days!

Hello, Happy Day 9 toward our foal! Last night, I chatted with my sister which was lots of fun. And then I went out to the stable around 11 and stayed for an hour. Violet was laid out perfectly flat with her legs straight like a dog, and she was groaning like she was dreaming! She was adorable! And then when I went to Hailee's stall, she was laid out perfectly flat on a nest of straw she'd built and she was really groaning like she was so very uncomfortable. She groaned and groaned and then when she got up, I spent some time with her in the arena to give her a chance to walk off her cramps. No wax, no milk. But she's making progress!!!

This morning, Stephanie called me while I was walking Zelia and we chatted about H. And here's a photo of me this evening. V is peeking at me while chewing her evening hay, and H eating hay in the arena and taking a light stroll.

Stephanie and her mom noticed that H is drinking tons and tons of water, so she must be making milk! Soon! Soon we'll have the most beautiful baby to hug and laugh and smile over!