Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Due Day + 4! New Halter, New Camera!

dYesterday was a beautiful spring day! I worked from home and UPS delivered the new camera great-grandma gave as a gift to Nitro and the new halter grandma gave. So, I went to the stable, groomed my girls, and lunged Violet over ground poles. she was fabulous. She cantered and trotted so lightly and precisely and smoothly and freely over the ground poles and was just glorious to see. She was at her young thoroughbred best! I just adore her.

And my sweet Hailee was a good girl too. She is stocked up in her back legs, a bit uncomfortable, but she is spry and alert. She trotted off to show her vigor, and she was eager and nickery for dinner. I've come to think that Nitro is politely waiting for Finals to be over with before s/he arrives!