Monday, April 14, 2008

4 Days!

Yesterday, I went home and spent time with my critters and worked hard at Sociology. I checked Hailee at night, but decided to sleep in my own bed at home because I didn't see any change in her teats. And, indeed, this morning Stephanie called and said that she didn't see much difference in my girl. I went out to visit Hailee before going into work and I found a sweet, calm, quiet mare who was just a bit cranky. She didn't want to be led around by me.
And who can blame her. She is basically just all foal at this point. In this photo, you can see the wet marks of bites she's given herself because of cramping. Her vulva is distended. She waddles like a duck. She's just enormous (poor thing). She's become a quiet little hen who wants us to not bother her. Everything is good to go, except those teats. They've grown to a certain size and now are stalled. But this is still probably part of the whole process. They don't start bagging up until about 48 hours before the delivery, so given that she's not due until the 17th, we are still in the normal phase.
But we are all watching this mare and don't want to see her uncomfortable. And we are all eager to meet little baby. I just know she or he is going to be just a slice of perfection, a drop of heaven on earth.
So, Namaste to Hailee. Please give her strength during these last days of being a big old expecting broodmare. I've got a call out to Dr. Zimmerman to ask about the tiny bit of blood I saw in the moisture coming from her nipples, so I will post and tell you whether he said that's an issue of concern.