Saturday, April 12, 2008

Little Mama, 6 Days!

Last night, I stayed out at the barn and visited Hailee at midnight, 2am, 4am and 6:30am. At 2, she was laying down just groaning; I startled her with my flashlight. But by 4am, she was acclimated to the flashlight and interruption. She was just standing quietly in her stall. This morning, she had rub marks on her hind end, definite wax beads (though small), and her belly seems to have dropped even lower. Stephanie says that when she cleaned the stall, Hailee was very quiet. I think maybe we are starting to get into the last few days and hours of her going into labor. She is still pooping a lot and has a strong interest in meals, but her body seems to be shifting. Even her teats looked somewhat bigger this morning. I am going out this afternoon to groom and "milk" her, and then will spend the night again. If I were forced to guess at this point, I would say that she'll have her baby Sunday night/Monday morning. Barbie says that it's about 48 hours after the wax develops and 12 hours after milk starts dripping. So, I don't know if we would quite call yesterday afternoon the first "wax," but this morning baby Nitro!