Thursday, April 17, 2008


Last night, Stephanie and I felt that Hailee's tail had become even softer and looser. So, though the teats had not started forming colostrum, I stayed the night anyway. I justified this decision by deciding that it'd probably help H to get her reacquainted to having me with a flashlight or some dim light source again. After all, Nitro is coming!
Today is officially the expected delivery date, but this morning when Steph and I checked her teats, we felt as though she was bagging up more, but not necessarily looking any more "ready." No waxing. No dripping milk. When I squeezed them, not much of anything, not even the liquid with blood. I think that's good news. It means that her body is quietly pulling it together. I bet when I go there at the end of the day, we'll see some changes!

When I woke up this morning in the trailer, I checked my email service. Smartpak had shipped Zelia's order of supplements and Nitro's first halter. I will just be so excited when that baby foal halter arrives! That's all for now! Today's the day we've all been waiting for, but looks like Nitro's waiting for another!!