Saturday, April 5, 2008

First Ride of 2008!

I'm not proud of this fact, but I haven't ridden since late winter. So, today was the first day Violet and I were going to be a riding team again. We picked a beautiful, sunny, mellow day. She was eager for the challenge. First, I lunged her with the expectation of more cantering, and then working over ground poles and two jumps. We moved up and down the ring and she was very responsive, attentive and focused. I think she really enjoys doing the jumping, and she looks like a lovely hunter horse -- relaxed, long, lean, pretty!
Then we rode! She had lots of energy, a big floating trot, and easy off the leg! She was awesome with serpentines, circles, figure 8s, trotting over ground poles, stopping! We had a great first ride. One time she did a little jump and that was my fault. I had this big long dressage whip (which I didn't need) and it brushed with a hissing snake noise against the wall of the arena. Gave my girl a little heart attack! But that was our only squirrely moment and I am proud to say that I stayed on! We had a fun ride and I could tell that Violet was glad for the change in her routine!
All I want from my red girl is a quiet sweet partner. We want safety first.