Sunday, April 13, 2008

5 Days!

Yesterday I was so productive. After I saw Hailee and Violet for their morning breakfast, I went home, walked Zelia, fed everyone, cleaned up, had breakfast at Ben's Table, shopped for necessities, read 3 grant applications, reviewed them, posted the internet-assisted review feedback, did my taxes, read a chapter for my methods class, wrote a lecture and designed the powerpoint! Then I took a nap, you bet! Then I visited the girls.

Later that evening, I watched The Green Mile and then went to the stable. Hailee had an easier night. She was laying down, but not groaning the first time I saw her, but then the rest of the night, every time I visited her, she was standing with her rear to the door. Her tail was ruffled, so it's clear that she is rubbing. In fact, yesterday afternoon when I visited her, she rubbed and rubbed against the walls of the arena -- poor uncomfortable girl!

No baby yet! And now I realize that my wishful thinking made me think that she was waxing up when really her nipples were just starting to open up a bit in preparation for milk and so they were moist, not dripping colostrum! If wishes were horses then beggars would ride! So, now I just feel optimistic about letting time and nature play its fabulous role. I am just going to observe. She's showing so many indicators -- softening and bright pink vulva, larger udders, big old waddle walk, much, much, much quieter and submissive personality, desire to be pretty much left alone -- the milk will be the last thing! So, I hope that she's close to her April 17th delivery date, but we'll see what happens day to day! Anyway, very early this morning, before even feeding time, it was so nice to be with my girls, at the start of the day, while the world was still dark, for a kiss and a hug, and some kind words and nickers!

I know I'm early for sleeping out at the barn, but though it's an inconvenience, it couldn't be more comfortable. The Hintz' generously loaned out their wonderful trailer, so I sleep so very well. And I am glad for being able to check on Hailee in the night. Last night, I woke up slightly discombobulated and was dressing for "the walk" into the stable when it occurred to me -- at some point, this "walk" will end in a foal! And won't that be wonderful!!! Namaste, keep warm on this grey, rainy day. Even though it seems unpleasant, this day is filled with the promise of spring!